The texture data is compared to reference information in a database to determine the identity of an individual. 将纹理数据与数据库中的参考信息进行比较,以确定对个体的识别。
First language and mother tongue are overlapping concepts. It is the language identity of a nation or an individual that determines the mother tongue, but not the sequence of acquisition. 第一语言与母语是交叉概念,决定母语的不是语言获得的顺序,而是民族或自己的语言认同。
A wide variety of systems requires reliable personal recognition schemes to either confirm or determine the identity of an individual requesting their services. 众多的的系统需要可靠的身份识别机制来确认或确定需要提供服务的个人的身份。
Role identity is not just a mental process of individual, but also an integrated concept connecting the objective structure and subject meaning world. Thus it is a guide to individual action and the foundation of social function. 角色认同不仅仅是个体的心理过程,是一个连接客观结构与意义世界的综合概念,是个体行动的指南,也是社会运行的基础。
Human biometrics identifies the identity of an individual from colony by utilizing individuals 'biological characteristics, including human physiological and behavioral characteristics. 人体生物特征识别是利用个体的各种生物特性,包括生理和行为特性,将个体身份从群体里辨识出来的一种技术。
Role identity of contemporary university students which has drawn much attention of the society is an individual psychology problem as well as a social problem. 大学生角色认同既是一个个体心理问题,也是一个社会问题,它已引起广泛的社会关注。
Biometrics is the most secure and convenient way to satisfy the requirements for identity digitalization and virtualization in the coming network society, which refers to the automatic identification of an individual by using certain physiological or behavioral traits associated with the person. 生物特征识别是利用人独特的生理与行为特征来进行自动身份鉴别的技术,是解决社会信息化、数字化、网络化发展中安全问题的首选方案。